5 Keys to Achieving your Goals
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5 Keys to Achieving your Goals

Jason from SRJ Walker Wayland is an avid long-distance runner, he has competed in many fun runs and knows how long and hard the road can be to achieve your running goals.

Keep reading to learn about Jason's first experience at running the Boston Marathon and how he achieved his goals.

5 ways to stick to your goals – and nail them

Running the Boston Marathon and finishing a marathon in under three hours were big personal goals that I worked towards for three years. I sometimes felt that I would never achieve either; I never in my wildest dreams expected to get both at once!

My first attempt at going under three hours was on the Gold Coast three years back. I was going so well and then my groin muscle gave out after 25km and I limped home. Two years ago, I ran a marathon hoping to qualify for the Boston Marathon and missed by only 61 seconds. Then, last year in Canberra, I again had a shot at going under three hours and missed the mark by a measly 37 seconds. In all these scenarios, there were factors outside of my control – but there were also things that I could have done better.

This experience has taught me so much. Here are five key lessons I’ve learnt that can be applied to any goal. Give them a try!

1. Be consistent and focus on small, incremental improvements over time.

I completed my first ever marathon in just under four hours. Six years on, I have reduced this time by one hour through a consistent effort. I was never going to knock a whole hour off my run in my second marathon – I needed to improve gradually over time.

2. There will be setbacks and pain at times. Accept that fact and keep going.

Injuries, distractions, life changes – every barrier you can think of will be thrown your way as you work towards your goal. Accepting that reality is the quickest way to move forward.

3. You will doubt yourself. Acknowledge your thoughts and carry on.

At times I wondered if it was all worth it. Even on the finishing straight in Boston, I thought I still might fail. It’s normal to feel this way. Observe and acknowledge your thoughts, accept them for what they are, then let them go.

4. The 80/20 rule rules.

The 80/20 rule comes up so often in all areas of life. In training, typically 20 percent is an effort session designed to improve my performance. The other 80 percent in training is general running and building a base. Without the 80 percent base, the 20 percent of focus on improvement will not have the same impact – don’t neglect the core work.

5. The simpler the plan, the more likely you are to succeed.

I had a simple plan in Boston: set my watch to tell me my 5km splits, aim for 20-21 minutes for each, and take a gel every 10km. My mantra was consistency, control and patience – and it worked.

Try applying these five tips to your own life/running training. Some challenges can seem insurmountable – there are mistakes and pain and doubt – but there is no
fad diet, magic pill or quick fix. The only way to reach a goal is through persistent and dedicated effort over time. You can do it!

Best of luck!

Written by Jason Croston, SRJ Walker Wayland